My Super Yummy Green Smoothie Recipe

Green Smoothie Recipe…
In the wake of my 21 Day Challenge to eat healthier, I have taking on the venture of making smoothies.  I am fondly in love with them.  I don’t know why I haven’t started making and drinking these sooner.   I drink my smoothie for a post workout meal…It is yummy and delicious.  The smoothie keeps me full until lunch time. 
Here a quick easy Green Smoothie Recipe
Items need:

Your choice of leafy green vegetable (I like Spinach)
½ Bananas
1 cup of Frozen Fruit (check your grocers freezer)
½ cup Almond Milk Vanilla Unsweetened
Blender, Ninja, Sharper Image, Smoothie Maker

Place all ingredients into your blender container…I layer mine the following way: banana, frozen fruit, Spinach then pours milk over the ingredients. Press the on button and blend for like 2 minutes or until everything is creamy and smooth.
I have a quick easy breakfast or lunch meal in a matter of minutes…

What is your favorite Smoothie?  Email the Recipe to and we will feature it on PSC…


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