Switch it Up

Switch it Up!!!

The definition of Insanity is doing the exact same thing the exact same way and expecting different results.  2014 is about entering into a new Lifetime.  Yes I said a new Lifetime.  I believe we live many lifetimes in one life.  It is time to switch it up. Do something new.  Try something different.  Try a new hairstyle, new hair color.  Dye your hair pink because you can.  Purposefully wear a smile.  Speak to people more. Go Dancing. Go to a Concert!  For God-sake GO ON A VACTION!  Try on some leggings.  Buy some boots. Purchase some 6 in High Heels.  Have sex in a new spot.  (Move out the bedroom) Create Memories.  2014 Is Your Year to be Ah-Mazing


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