Small Changes for Big Weight Loss

I often get asked by friends and family the changes I made to begin shedding pounds.  They want to know if I am taking a pill or trying some fad diet.  I don’t do any of those things. I believe it takes hard work and determination to lose weight.  I don’t do fad diets. I think about what will happen to my body the moment I come off the diet. I don’t do the pills because honestly who has time for that?  I want to stop taking the pills I have to take now. I don’t need to be adding more. 

Here are the changes I made:

Mind-set.  This is a marathon, not a sprint. Weight-loss takes time and results are not immediate

Work-out.  Yes, you can lose weight without working out but working out helps fight all the reasons why you overeat or emotionally eat. Workout to relieve stress, to build stamina and to look good in your clothes…I am able to wear much smaller size than my weight dictates I should wear because I workout.

Cook at Home. I was amazed at how many calories I was consuming by eating away from my kitchen table.  Eating at home majority of the time has been the biggest contributor of my weight loss

Try New Spices.  Limit your sodium intake.  I still have sodium in my diet, but I found seasoning and spice with lower milligrams of sodium per serving than salt.

Drink Water.  Consuming mostly sodas and juices can make the calories add up and pack on the 
pounds.  Sodas and juices are full sugar and sodium.

This is the general gist of what I have done to accomplish my goals so far.  I still have a long way to go before I reach my ultimate goal.  I know I will have to make more changes soon. I will let you know how those are working out for me.  The best advice I can give find a routine that will work for you and your lifestyle.

Best Wishes on Your Weight Loss!


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