Dear God I Made It Through Week One!

30/30 Challenge Week One

Week One has shown me how out of shape I am. Boy! I can’t afford to have hits and misses during this challenge. My goal is to be disciplined and diligent in my efforts. I realized my laziness is borderline out of control. My weight loss goals could have been reached by now if I had stayed discipline. I am tired of starting and stopping. I'm grabbing my fat neck by the hand, and I command my body to lose weight. My time to do this is now!!! Zumba on the Wii got the best of me. I took a 20-minute nap afterwards, but I will not let the shortness of breath keep me from doing this again. It is time to divide and conqueror. I goals to reach and beach to see! What are your November Challenge Goals? 

There is still time to join the 30/30 Challenge.  To learn more visit


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