Blog Tips: Finding Ideas

The internet is your best friend!  No, seriously it really is your best friend but you need more than just the internet to inspire a post.  I am going back to the basic for this one.  Inspiration can be sparked by anything.  I was in the bookstore once and overheard these 3 older ladies talking and was sparked with a great book title “3 Cackling Hens”.   I jotted down the title and the outline for the book on the spot.  Now I really need to sit down to write this book.  My mom has been waiting for me to write this book for like ever now.   Mmmm…I need to add that to my writing schedule sometime this year.

Here are my favorite ways to find inspiration 

  • People Watching
  • Church
  • Watching TV
  • Hanging with friends as we have the dumbest conversation
  • Social Media lurking-Again some of the dumbest conversation have occurred over social media posts. My friends really are stupid in a good way, of course.  We are all educated fools
  • Family…My family is nuts...full of weirdoes…I can’t make this stuff up.
  • Journaling
  • Old fashion Brainstorming…

Really This Stuff is not that deep.  You have to be willing to tap into your God given creativity and use it.  We were all created with the ability to create. 


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