Ease Cramps with this Common Household Item

Ease Cramps with Vick's Vapor Rub

For years, I suffered from severe menstrual cramps.  My hopes of perfect attendance in school went out the window the moment I started my cycle. My period keeps me in bed for days. Often, I take 800mg of Ibuprofen to ease the pain. 

A few years ago while doing some recreational reading on the bathroom toilet, I discovered an alternative use for Vick's Vapor Rub.  The rub is used as a muscle relaxer. When my cycle starts, I apply a generous amount in the place of my cramps. I'm careful not to get it too close to my va jay jay! I'm not doing for experiencing an unnecessary burning sensation!

The methanol in Vick's warms the skin which cause the muscle to relax.  Whenever my cycle starts, I keep a jar of the vapor rub handy.  I may smell like old people and moth balls, but I’m willing to trade-in the smell for the ease of my cramps.

What are your favorite alternative uses for common household items? Comment below!


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