40 Sexiest Things About a Man
I have been working on this list for quite some time. In conjunction for the "Daddy Day, I thought I would show the fellas how much I heart them and what I absolutely adore about them.
40 Sexiest Thing about a Man.
He he loves and take care of his family is so SEXY

12. He is passionate about his talents (music, business, acting, etc…)
13. His sense of humor no matter how corny it is
15. Women admire him and men respect him
16. He works (no one wants a lazy a$$ man)
17. He helps his woman heal from past hurts from previous relationships
18. He can go from the boardroom to the basketball court
19. He lets his woman talk his ear off because he knows she just needs to vent.
20. He finds a woman attractive but doesn’t act on his attraction because he knows he has a good thing at home.
21. He realizes he has found a good thing!
22. He up takes a cause! (Mentoring I <3 Michael Baisden for this)
23. His brain!!! (I heart smart men)
25. He walks in his God-given authority but doesn’t use his authority to abuse others!
26. He will drive miles out of his way to buy his wife her favorite ice-cream
27. He won’t take advantage of you when you are drunk!
29. His love is color blind (Shout out to the men who had the courage to love women outside of their race! Especially the African American Sistas)
30. He buys us shoes!!!!!
31. He buys us jewelry!!! (Diamonds are a girl’s best friend)
32. He admits his faults
33. He trusts his woman enough to be vulnerable with her.
34. He Daddy & Daughter dates!!! (I am a Daddy’s Girl)
35. He falls asleep holding his newborn baby
37. He says my name in his Barry White voice! (Deep and Sexy Sho’Nuff)
38. He writes a #1 hit song about the love for his woman! (This is going to happen for me. Speaking it into the atmosphere!)
39. He makes his dreams a reality.
What's your top 40 Things you love about your man?
Have a sexiest thing about a man that is not listed? Feel free to add one!! We love feedback.
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