Ain't that a B!tch...

There is nothing like some good ole juicy, mouthwatering, burning your fingers hot fried chicken with fries and roll especially when you‘ve had a long hard day at work, at school, & church. Everyone has gotten on your nerves from your spouse, your boss, your kids, your friends, and your sorority sister hell even your damn dog is on your last nerve. You go to the nearest drive-thru (Wendy's was my stop. Oh hell yeah! Chocolate Frosty!) to grab something to eat because right now you just want anything to take you away from this present moment and soothe your nerves.

If you can relate to this scenario, Please Stand-Up, Holla Atcha Girl, Hive Five a Sista, do something... I know I am not the only one who struggles with emotional eating. I am learning this thing is a real BITCH!!! Just when I think I got the hang of it, Boom another dip and around the curve I go. When will I ever get off this roller coaster? I HATE THIS RIDE!!! Ok, ok, ok, I am done with the dramatics... & the Oscar goes to...LOL!

Hello My Name is Jackie...I am an emotional eater...

The first step to recovery is accepting and admitting I have a problem. It is a major problem because in the last 2 years I put on 50lbs!!! (Lost 20 of those 50 so far Yay Me!) Now I work my butt off right up until I have a moment when something sends my emotions spiraling out of control. This is when I tend to eat, eat, eat and eat. In those moments, it is the only thing I feel like I can control. I hate the feeling of being out of control. I didn't learn this about myself until I was in the middle of the water on my first Cruise in 2011 and then I didn't eat because I had alcohol. While writing this I realize, I turn to food they way some people turn to booze (Breakthrough) Eating for me is mindless and numbing especially when I am stress out.

I know I wrote earlier this year about Divorcing My Fat Girl Swagg (click the link to read it) dealing with my views on emotional eating and how I was leaving it behind. I am realizing emotional eating is neither a fat nor a skinny thing. It is real and heartbreaking for anyone who does it.

Now I am a fighter. It is some things I understand I must meet head on. Just like yesterday I celebrated beating level 23 on Candy Crush on Facebook. I‘d been stuck on this level for about 2 weeks. I just couldn't let that stupid game kick my butt. If you play this game you understand my sentiments. Anyway I am done with that sidebar...Random...I know.

I have researched some ways to combat emotional eating. (Google...It is my best friend) Most of what I read gave the following advice:

· Keep track of your moods. Example when completing your food diary, take a moment to state your mood at that time. It is a good way to keep track of what you eat when you are in a certain mood.

· Count to 10...Yes people count to 10! Most articles states counting to ten can help calm your nerves and put things into proper perspectives.

· Take a walk...When you are upset or stress, take a 5 min walk break. Changing the scenery can do a lot for your moods. Walking can put you in a better mood.

· Replace the cookies, ice-cream with apples, oranges, nuts... This is self explanatory people.

· Take a nap...We all seen it with babies. When they are cranky, crying and being lil asses (yes I said it), putting them down for a nap can do worlds of wonder. They wake up in a better mood. The same goes for adults...Go to sleep people!!

· Join Pinterest!!! You can get totally lost in repining things!

· Find mindless activities…Color, blow bubbles, walk the dog

I'm pretty sure there are plenty more techniques out there but these are all the ones I can remember off the top of my head. :)

Check out WebMD and what they have to say about emotional eating...


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