Daddy's Girl...Daughter's Forgiveness
Yesterday I went out on a date with my dad for the
first time ever! "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!" I can hear you saying out
loud. "Aren't You 35 years old?" Yes I am 35 years old and went on my
first date with my daddy. Growing up my dad was in my life but he was unavailable.
He was unavailable because of his own mindset. He felt because he didn't have
money my brother & I wouldn't want him around. It was a complete udder lie.
I am so glad he has had a paradigm shift. He no longer thinks this way. I am
sure there are plenty other fathers who have the same mindset. I encourage you
to talk to your children whether they are grown or small. Make the effort to
show your children you care for them. I am not on here to father bash because I
Love My DAD!! We have a great relationship. It took a lot time, healing and
prayer to get here but it was well worth it. Spending time with him yesterday
was the best gift I have ever received from him. (My love language is QT
quality time not quiktrip) I realize at 35 I am a Daddy's Girl and I Like It.
While we are still in the month of February &
talking about Love, remember it is not too late to experience the power of love
and forgiveness. Had I not forgiven my father about my upbringing, I would not
be enjoying life the way I am right now. Since forgiving him, it has taught me
how to forgive others & to love freely. I am not always worried about how
other will treat me. I am concern with being kind and loving to people
regardless of how they treat me in return. (Daily process!! people still make
me cuss!!!) I am learning to forgive faster. Life is too short to hold grudges.
If you want to experience the real power of love
this month, forgive someone. Forgiveness is about you not them. Forgiveness is
about freeing yourself from the cage of hurt so you can fly in the freedom of
love. They way I see it, you can forgive & forget (ask God to take away the
sting of hurt) to move one or you can stay bitter and mad remain stuck, time
warp, missing out on life. The choice is yours
I just
wanted to share my thrill and joy about my date more so to share about the
power of forgiveness.
Health is about mind, body and spirit
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