PHATSkinny Vitamin: Inner Beauty

I had to learn the hard way being sexy is more of a mind state than the outside appearance. Being a plus size woman, I have had to get past all of the negative connotations which come along with the way society views beauty. For as long as I can remember, I equated beauty with size.

 Not a perfect" size

For a long time, I didn't consider myself beautiful. I dressed down and covered up my body, in an effort to camouflage my size from the world's view. Long skirts and loose tops were my standard wardrobe. I figured the less attention I brought to myself, the better. I stood by and watched my smaller friends enjoy life. They take fashion chances from my viewpoint wouldn’t allow me. I secretly envied them for their freedom.

Now those days seem so long ago... 

Since then, I have learned so much about fashion and about myself. The first thing I learned is beauty starts on the inside. If you feel ugly on the inside, then it is the image you will project. I learned to love myself. I no longer define myself as a plus size woman. Now, I'm to simply a woman. I've become intimate with my inner being. I focused on things I liked about myself instead of pinpointing on the things I did not like. In the end, I realized I had become my own worst critic.

Sexiness is a state of mind 

A positive attitude attracts the things we desire the most to us. My big warm engaging beautiful smile is the best makeup I put on every morning. Once I learned to appreciate myself, it became easier to smile and to find joy in the simplest things. I stopped hiding behind dark drab colors. I allowed myself to experiment with different colors and materials which complimented my skin tone and body type. What you feel comfortable in is the key to successful personal fashion and individual sexiness. 

Attracting the Opposite Sex

My male friends all said the same thing. They are attracted to confidence. A woman who owns her sensuality walks with, confidence and is self-assured immediately sexy becomes attractive.  Ladies, I know from personal experience men respond to this level of self-confidence. Not just men but everyone around you will notice your self-assuredness. It comes through in your own personal style when you know who you are.

Self-discovery is not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight  

It is constant and continuous. The journey must be made. It begins the moment you stand in the mirror to look at yourself and begin toembrace the person on the other side. If you don't love you, how do you expect anyone else to? You are God's creation, and the Father does not make any mistakes. You were placed on the earth for a reason. Know your worth, seek your purpose and by the time you start to treat yourself well, you will be amazed at the changes taking place in your life. True beauty is in loving every aspect of yourself.

Final Thoughts

If you don't like something about yourself, change it! If it is something you cannot change, pray for acceptance and move on. Life is too short to dwell on things we cannot control. Find your inner beauty and share it with the world. 

Jennifer Mitchell is the author of PHATSKinny Chic Vitamin. She is currently working on series of Murder Mystery Novels. Contact Jennifer at


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  1. I absolutely love this picture Jennifer. Thank you for sharing your triumphs...


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