PSC Vitamin: Don't Quit
Just when I am ready to throw in the towel, God gives me another boost to keep moving forward. I realize as much as I may want to quit that I can't stop. I am in the middle of my transformation and I would look crazy if I give up right now. Who wants to look like half woman/half car...Transformer More Than Meets the Eye!! Seriously If I stop now, I won't reach my goal. I won't know the maximum potential I can achieve. I won't know the woman I can be. I can't live with myself. I don't want to be a partly renovated house.
I don't know about anyone else, but I need encouragement to keep moving forward on this journey. Like the old sonG says, "No one told me it would be easy but I don't believe God has brought me this far to leave me."
I don't know about anyone else, but I need encouragement to keep moving forward on this journey. Like the old sonG says, "No one told me it would be easy but I don't believe God has brought me this far to leave me."
Eventhough hard things come my way, I don't have to allow them to stop my progression. My hardships are just blessings in disguise. I choose today to not to Quit!!
Be Encouraged
Thank You. I Needed That Word.