Can Fathers Have Their Own Day!

Every year on Father’s Day I open my Facebook or Twitter and read several posts about someone giving thanks to their mom for being both mom and dad or how some woman is telling the world how she bought herself a Father’s Day card/gift, or only acknowledging the men they think are good dads. When did this day become a measuring stick for the quality of parenting? It never happens on Mother’s day!! Has anyone ever seen a post on Mother’s Day from a man saying he is both parents?  We need to stop this foolishness. We are not both parents. This would imply one single person created their child through asexual reproduction. Even Jesus had two parents and most people acknowledge the Immaculate Conception, but some women claim they are both parents? Really!!!
What is Father’s day?  Well, I can state it is not a chance to celebrate mothers (play "Thanks for My Child" by Cheryl Pepsii Riley on another day please), It is not a day to call and ask for back child support (wait until midnight), or to inform him, he will be on The Maury Show for DNA results.
Daddy Comforting Gabby on first day of
Father’s Day is a day to celebrate fathers for the wonderful things they do and have done in each of our lives. I know what some are thinking, so many men are not active in their children’s lives and don’t deserve to be acknowledged or celebrated. THE DEVIL IS A LIE!!!! The simple definition of a father is a male person, whose sperm unites with an egg, resulting in the conception of a child. This definition is reason enough to celebrate this day; because without a father none of us would be here.
In a time where women are kicking ass and taking names in the professional world and fighting for equal treatment under the law (Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act); men are also contributing to equal parenting and raising of their children. Believe it or not, men are nurturers as well. We help with homework, give baths, read bedtime stories, comb hair (in my case, take her to the hair stylist), doctor appointments, and even organizing play dates with other fathers. (I do this all time with my friends)  We are also the ones who check out noises in the dark (like I wanna die first), wrestling partners, punching bag for kids, and Mr. Fix It.
Still cannot find a reason to celebrate the fathers, try a few of mine:
  • ·         Half responsible for bringing life
    With Daddy at Graduation Day!
  • ·         Makes drinking straight from the jug/carton cool
  • ·         Turns passing gas into a funny game
  • ·         Taught you how to ride a bike/drive a car
  • ·         Taught you drinking was ok after teaching someone how to ride a bike/drive a car (oh maybe that is just my dad lol)
  • ·         Taught you how to laugh at life…
  • ·         Taught you clothes don’t matter as long as you are “cover up”(my son has taking this too far! We are teaching him to at least match when you leave  the house)
  • ·         Taught you how to dance
  • ·         He can never have enough ties, socks, or cologne (even though he gets the same gifts for EVERY holiday).

So this year, take some timeout to celebrate the fathers in your life, because without him, you wouldn’t be reading this article would you.

J.Cornelius George is an educator with Clayton County School Systems and Creator/Host of Laugh Your Class Off Comedy Show. He is also the father of two beautiful children Caleb and Gabby.  
“The best job I have is being a father and it is also the only job I can’t quit!”


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