Recipe: Citrus Water & Health Benefits

Yummy Water or fruit infused water is a great way to increase your water intake.   It is zero calories and cheaper than buying flavored water. Besides by making flavored water, the nasty after taste is gone.  Since we are doing a 31 days Water Challenge here at PHATSkinny Chic, we decided to share some of our favorite yummy water recipes and the benefits of the fruit infused water.  Check back once a week for the month of July for a new recipe…

Citrus Water
What you will need…
1 container to hold water…Mason Jars is good
1 orange
1 lime
1 lemon
1 grapefruit
Ice (optional
Water- how much will depend on your container

Rinse and cut each fruit into slices. Place slices into the container and once slices are in container mush the fruit slices so some of the juices will flow into the water once it is poured.  Add ice to the container ¾ ways up (need to leave some room to freeze.) Fill container to the top of the ice and place in the freezer to let it set for an hour. This gives the fruit time to infuse with the water.  The fruit in the container can last up to 3 days before new fruit is needed.

Benefits of Citrus Water…
·         Aids in regulating digestive tracts.
·         Great source of vitamin C, potassium, B6 etc…
·         Prevents Cancer and other diseases
·         Aids in help regulating Asthma
·         Aids in weight loss



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