Do You Lift?
Anyone out there ever get tired of the same routine? The "fill up a water bottle, drive to the gym, get on the treadmill, walk at a 2.5 speed, barely break a sweat and drive back home type of routine? Well, I know I did! I decided instead of continuing my membership at the gym, which, by the way, is extremely affordable, I would just invest in my own equipment and save $469 a year for years to come. I started doing weight training at home and cardio training at the park as well as at home. Now I know what you are thinking,"Priscilla, I am not trying to be muscular or built!" Truth be told, I always thought the same thing when people would tell me to lift weights. Until I did my own research and found out all the answers to the questions I had regarding weight training. So here is a couple of my favorite finds from my research:
*You'll handle stress better. I mean who doesn't want to punch their boss in the face sometimes? But we can't do that. Lifting weights will help you to deal with the stressful things in life. I mean I don't know about you lovely ladies, but when I am working out, I am in my zone that NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE can mess with me. *You'll be happier. "I'm so miserable and unhappy", said no one who weight trains ever. *You'll build stronger bones and get into shape FASTER. *You'll live longer! This has been researched!
To read even MORE reasons on why weight training is good for you and your body, you can visit
I'll be honest, I had to keep an open mind when I began the process, but I started seeing the changes within 2 weeks! I'm not only stronger but combined with my cardio training, I look better! So come on ladies, try something new, What have you got to lose? Pounds! And this will help you get them off. Little by little does the trick.
Stay tuned, my next entry will help you with specific tools and resources in which you can use some from your very own phone to help you weight train and get to a stronger, better YOU! Enjoy your workout and you will enjoy the rewards. Signing out,
Why should you weight train?
*You'll lose 40 percent more fat. If you do just cardio, you lose fat and muscle but when you weight train along with your cardio, you lose pure fat and gain strength. *You'll burn more calories. That's because, after each strength workout, your muscles need energy to repair their fibers. So after you've done your weight training, your cardio will become all fat burning calories!*You'll handle stress better. I mean who doesn't want to punch their boss in the face sometimes? But we can't do that. Lifting weights will help you to deal with the stressful things in life. I mean I don't know about you lovely ladies, but when I am working out, I am in my zone that NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE can mess with me. *You'll be happier. "I'm so miserable and unhappy", said no one who weight trains ever. *You'll build stronger bones and get into shape FASTER. *You'll live longer! This has been researched!
To read even MORE reasons on why weight training is good for you and your body, you can visit
I'll be honest, I had to keep an open mind when I began the process, but I started seeing the changes within 2 weeks! I'm not only stronger but combined with my cardio training, I look better! So come on ladies, try something new, What have you got to lose? Pounds! And this will help you get them off. Little by little does the trick.
Stay tuned, my next entry will help you with specific tools and resources in which you can use some from your very own phone to help you weight train and get to a stronger, better YOU! Enjoy your workout and you will enjoy the rewards. Signing out,
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GET IT! Keep up the good work :D
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