PHAT Skinny Chic Vitamin
There are times on our journey when we get discourage. Things seem to get harder and harder. Your enthusiasm for your workouts are now out the window. Used these times to keep propelling yourself forward. It will teach you a valuable life lesson. Anything worth having is worth a fight. Don't let the splurge on cupcakes, ice cream, sodas and fries keep you from your goals of a healthy lifestyle.
You are not Alone! I am in this fight with you. I am learning it is a daily battle to change my mindset towards food and exercise. I too love to run to honey buns and cokes when I am stressed out. I am learning new ways to deal with my stress and emotional eating. I have decided giving up is not an option. When I have reached my goal weight,I know every tear, prayer, and setback will be worth it.
~Be Encourage~
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