Permission 2B Great

Most of my adult life, I have been waiting for someone to give me permission to do the things I desire to accomplish.  Whether it’s pursuing writing as a full time profession or wearing a smaller dress sizes, I've wanted someone to give me the “OK” or green light to move forward with these desires. 
It wasn't until this morning while in my quiet time with Jesus did I realize I have already been given the authority and jurisdiction to go for my dreams.  I have been given LOVE, POWER, & a SOUND-MIND. 

Love comes from the support of my family and friends. We may not agree on everything but we hold each other up.  This is important because their love helps propels me forward to take chances, to take the leap of faith, to skydive off the cliff.  I know they’re cheering me on even when they think I am crazy for wanted to do something drastic.  Just knowing they are there helps tremendously

Power comes from the God-given right to rule and dominion over my life.  I was born with every tool I need to be successful.  Just like a seed is born with everything it needs from a root system to support the trunk, branches and leaves, I was born with the right to take control over my life.  I don’t have to let my life run me, but I can run my life. It is up to me how I choose to operate my life. I decided at my family’s Christmas gathering I love the feeling of being healthy. I love getting into smaller sizes. I love having more options to shop for clothes.  I am not abandoning my fellow “Big Girls” because I want to be healthy and feel better about myself. 

Sound-mind comes having wisdom from my past experiences and knowing success is not a straight road.  The road is curvy, bumpy, uphill, downhill and filled with many detours.  I know staying on my path is the best options for me.  There will be times the elements of life will keep me from seeing 100 feet down the road.  As long as I can see the yellow line and white line right in front of me, I know to stay in between those lines.  I know to keep moving forward because eventually the rain will let up the fog will lift and the path will be clearer once more.

Today I challenge you to give yourself permission to be great! Determine and define Greatness for your life.  Get in a quiet space listen to your heart and write down your deepest desires.  Write down how your will accomplish these things. Be Intentional!  You have been given the permission, authority, jurisdiction and command to be the CEO of your life.  What are you going to do about it?

“If you want to achieve Greatness stop asking permission”


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