Strawberry Pineapple Water

Yummy Water s Are Back…

Strawberry Pineapple Water…

This recipe is for Pure Taste.  After the Holidays, I need water like this.  I have to break my addiction to Sodas, Hot Coco and Naughty Beverages.  The Strawberry Pineapple water gives me the water I need but the flavor I crave.  The recipes is very simple but oh so sweet.  It is one my favorite Yummy Waters to make
Items Needed
Strawberries, Pineapples, Water, Ice, & 32 oz container

Slice fruit into chunks.  Place into the bottom of 32 oz container. Don’t forget to mashed the fruit to release natural juices.  Add Ice. Fill container with water and let it stand or Marinate for about two hours.  Drink Up! 


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