GLAMChix Boutique Give Away!!!

Sunday I had a wonderful opportunity to attend the Sneak Peek of new online accessories boutique called GlamChix. I saw this beautiful necklace on the owner Karla Beedles and I just had to have it.  I thought it would be the perfect give away for my PHATSkinny Chics. Mrs Beedles has given PHATSkinny Chic the exclusive opportunity to give away this necklace before it will be offered on her website. (GlamChix will launch March 2014). In order to win you must follow PhatSkinny Chic on Twitter @phatskinny_chic and Glam Chix on Twitter @glamchixboutiqu 

check out some pictures from the Sneak Peek Event...
Karla Beedles owner of Glam Chix Boutique
pictures courtesy of TamD Photography

Ms. Shannon Joseph modeling a necklace from GlamChix
pictures courtesy of TamD Photography

pictures courtesy of TamD Photography 

pictures courtesy of TamD Photography


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