
Just like with drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation, the first thing they teach is acceptance.  Acceptance is a part of the cure.  Accept the size you are now. Accept everything about you.  I do mean everything. Accept that you emotionally eat. You over indulge and that you love food.  Accept that you are overweight, out of shape, and need to lose weight.  Once you accept these things about yourself you can do something about it.  It wasn't until I admitted to myself my weight was out of control and my happiness did I come up with a plan of action.  I accepted I am an emotional eater so I’m constantly learning new ways on how to soothe myself with things beside food.  When I am angry, I work out. When I am sad, I write in my journal. When I am happy, I cook but it is healthy foods. 

Another step to acceptance is to accept your body for what it is and is capable of doing. This will fight off setbacks and thoughts of quitting.  Focus on the way your body is changing and the fact you are stronger than before.  Enjoy the small successes.  Part of the journey is about self love and being healthy spiritually, mentally and physically. 

Accept and Love who you are, many people body shame others…you should not be included in that number.  Don’t bully yourself about your weight but nurture and love yourself during the journey.

Read more about the PhatSkinny Chic’s Principles to Healthy Living: Forgiveness 


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