Shades of Orange
The “IT" color for 2014 is Orange! Orange is a primary color. Think of oranges, fresh cut peaches, tangerines, candy corn, even Halloween. When I think about the color orange, I think about my nephew
when he was learning to pronounce the word. He sounded out every syllable. It
went l like this O-ran-ge. I still get
tickled at this memory.
The color orange
and it’s vibrancy sparks so many positive memories for me. Like the time my older brother and I survived
an eight hour drive from Florida with my Grandparents with only ORANGES to
EAT! My grandfather refused to stop for
more than anything than but gas. God rest
his soul but that man was stubborn. Good thing we stocked up on oranges and
grapefruit from uncle’s house. I had eaten
so many oranges that day I broke out in a rash.
Grandparents = Good Times!
What does the Color of Orange Spark?
On the website Empower Yourself with Color, Orange radiates
warm and happiness. It sparks creativity
and conversation. People who wear the
color orange are generally outgoing, extroverted, adventurous people. The website advises to use the color orange
in your kitchen or home especially when entertaining because it sparks people
to eat and speak freely.
How to Incorporate Orange in your life
Coral is a great color to wear for a lunch date. It is
softer and more feminine than bright orange. Your date will
perceive you as open and friendly. He will think you have an adventurous spirit
and be more talkative with you throughout the date.

Wear bright neon orange to your next workout. Orange
inspires competition and physical confidence. Go ahead shake you bum bum at
your next Zumba class with those bright orange pants you saw at Target.
Burn orange scented candles throughout your house to chase
the blues away. On those cloudy days
open the windows, light the candles, and dance to your heart’s content.
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