Pluck out of my comfort zone into the wild; I learned many lessons
from my Glamping Trip. Every year the women of my church go on a Women’s
Retreat, usually the trips are in a luxury hotel and suites. I have never been
on a retreat with the church before but the year I do decide to go they want to
go Glamping. (Glamorized Camping) The thought of sleeping outside with bugs,
spiders, frogs and wild animals made me a nervous Nelly. I almost cried when I went
to Wal-Mart shopping for supplies. While
traveling on the church van to Lake Lanier Islands, my nervousness turned to excitement. I realized I was going to create memories
& stories to tell my grandchildren one day.
I was embarking on a new exciting adventure. Throughout the weekend, I met new people,
made new friends, encouraged old friends.
I helped build a fire and was a part of the winning “Dessert Off”
Challenge Team. We had a baker on
team. She told me to keep piling the
brown sugar on the apples. It worked the
judges said our apples tasted just like the filling of an apple pie. I participated in Fireside Pillow Talk. I thought it was awesome to hear women tell
their testimonies of being blessed and seeing things from their last retreat
vision board came to fruition. It was a blessing just to sit, listen, &
learn. In my head, I keep saying I won’t
go Glamping ever again, but in my heart I know it is a lie. When the ladies of
PURE decided to do another glamping trip, I will sign up to go again. I will remember to take a few more comforts
of home.
My Top Six Lessons I Learned from Glamping
Don’t be afraid to try something new
I appreciate the comforts of home and realize I
am truly blessed
3. When storms are happening in my life, pray to God,
rest in his peace and go back to sleep.
4. Ask for a tent closer to the bathrooms. 100 feet is a long way to walk when you have
Pee at 3 o’clock in the morning.
God has equipped me with everything I need on the
inside of me and my surroundings. (
IlkaMurray preached that thing. If able to attend her women's conference, I highly recommend you attend!
6. Choose your bathroom buddy wisely… This is the
person who will go with you to the potty at 3 am.
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