Make Your Bed Up!

This morning I had a revelation while making my bed. I never understood while growing up why my mother & grandmother insisted on me making my bed. I was going to get back into it anyway. WHY DO ALL THAT WORK?  Lazy I know. Well for many many years, I did not make my bed. I would just get up & go. This past year I've challenged myself to make my bed up everyday. I have learned a valuable lesson from this challenge.  Making my bed is the first task I complete with the start of my day. (right after my quiet time with Jesus) It is my first accomplishment of the day. Making my bed prepares me mentally for the things to come.  I look at my bed & proclaim "Today will be a Great Day" all because I took time out to do something simple. I don't think this was the lesson my Grandmother or Mom was trying to teach me or maybe it was. They wanted me to take pride in myself. After all my bedroom is a reflection of me.  #lessonlearned

What does your bed say about you? 


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