Blog Your Passion

Sooo, I finally got up the courage to write about blogging and add my 2 cents to the already abundance of information out there on how to start a blog.  I am tired of telling my friends & family on how to start a blog.  When you have multiple people asking you the same question in the same week it is time to put your knowledge on paper and sell it!  Just kidding…Maybe Not…A book is a good idea…Let me put that in my mental back pocket.  My bad I’m always brainstorming new ideas.  What was I talking about?  OOOH Blogging.   Yes, How To Get Started Blogging…. My advice…mmmm let me think about it…. I would say…Blog your passion. 
Create content that you are interested in. You will be doing a lot of research while blogging so create a blog in something that fancy your interest.  When you write about what you love it will come across to the readers and they will be able to connect with you.  I tried creating content about celebrity gossip and what not, but I wasn’t being true to myself.  That lasted only a month.  Gossip doesn’t sit well with my spirit.  It is too negative and takes up too much energy.  Besides I am too lazy to network and hob knob with the right people to have a celebrity gossip blog. I decided at the end of 2014 to focus back on things I love or I need help in.  My blog is about Health Fitness and Fashion for the real size woman.  I blog about those things because I need help in all of these areas and figure I am not the only one.   From the beginning, I enlisted friends to write with me.  Eating healthy, working out and getting dressed up is a team effort for me.  My sister taught how to thrift (, my frat brother taught me to work out ( and Google has taught me tips and tricks on how to eat healthier.  It took me three years to come to the conclusion that I must blog my passion.  No one is going to be interested in reading my information if I am not interested in it.  Blog about what you like…At the end of the day, you are writing the blog.


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