3 Ways to Keep Positive Attitude
3 Ways to Keep Positive Attitude Through Any Situation
One definition of Positive is with no possibility of doubt; clearly define. (Merriam-Webster.com) I like this definition and chose to highlight it for its meaning. It has been plenty of times that I had to remain positive despite my circumstances. I had to continue to see my situation as positive without doubting myself and my abilities.
We all go through changes. Some changes are intentional and some unintentional but it is HOW we go through those changes that shape our character. When I was younger, I allowed people to take me there. You know where there is…The neck rolling, finger snapping, smacking my lips there. I would allow people to take me out my peace and who I was as a person. I did this so much, people begin to see me as mean because I had no control over my anger and emotions. In my heart, I knew I wasn’t a mean person. I was really a happy and positive person. I began to seek God on how to let the wonder delightful positive woman on the inside of me come bursting forth.
3 Things I learned during my seek
Let people be idiots by themselves- OMG!!! When I got this concept, I lowered my blood pressure. Just because your boo is spiraling out of control doesn’t mean you have to hop on that roller coaster with them. I take a step back cock my head to the side and watch them go spiraling down that drain by themselves
Take a Minute- my bestie taught me this. When she was upset with me, she would say “I need a minute”. It would make me so upset because I was ready for a fight. By her taking a minute, it allowed me to calm down. I bought a vowel and began to take minutes as well.
Positive Affirmations—fill your mind, spirit and heart with positive words. Words have POWER. They can shape our days, lives and relationships. Click the link for a list of Positive Affirmations. Print them off and hang in your office or a room that brings you great joy.
I chose Positive to be the P- PHAT because I needed to clearly define the energy I wanted to flow in my life and business. I want Joy, Love and Happiness. I know to get these things I needed to do some work in my own garden. I need to sow seeds of Joy, Love and Happiness in order reap it back into my life.
What are some ways you remain positive in every situation in your life?
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