Hike Recap: Panola Mountain State Park

Hey Family

How was your weekend?  I hope it was as great as mine. I had a SUPER AMAZING AWESOME weekend.  It started with getting highlighted as a VIP Blogger for my sister Maui Bigelow’s event PHAT Girl FRESH: Life & Styled 

as well getting the opportunity to gain more knowledge about blogging. It’s time for me to step up my game.   The highlight of my Weekend was PHATSkinny Chic Workout & Greet Hiking Tour.  This was our second hike event and we had a great turnout despite the rain.  I also met a great personal trainer through Instagram who joined us and did our warm-ups.  

The Hike was amazing.  New connections, New friendships, New adventures happened on the Hike.  I was able to walk with my family which was the highlight of my day.  The misty rain didn’t stop us from making the 5 mile hike at Panola Mountain State Park.  I learn a valuable lesson every time we go on a hike  I have learned never to give up.  It is a blessing in showing up and facing challenges.  I realize I am more than a conqueror.  I am like my favorite two quotes,“Built Ford Tough” and "Army Strong”.  I am not just tough or strong; I am exceptionally beyond measure strong and tough.  I am set a new standard for myself. 

Here are pictures from our hikes so far….

Kennesaw Mountain Park Jan 2015

Panola Mountain Park

Join Us On Our Next Hike...


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