PSC Meditation...
A mother of 4 girls with my youngest being 2-year old twins and my oldest a senior in high school, I have to learn ways to quickly relax in those moments when I do get some down time. During those times, my favorite way to relax is meditating. I light a candle and put on some good music and relax my mind. I think about my day, the things I want accomplish, of course, my family. Meditating helps me to center myself and visualize the success that is coming to my family.
There is a verse in the bible that tells us to meditate on the word both day and night. While I am meditating, often I have scripture I heard in bible study or Sunday school that I think about. I use those quiet times to think about the scripture and the best ways to apply it to my life.
Meditation is a practice in which one individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness to promote relaxation, in short, a way to clear the mind
First, some people sit Indian style, stand up, or even lay down when they meditate. In addition to different styles of meditation, there are different reasons, why people meditate. Religion and self inspiration are the two top reasons why people meditate. I meditate for self-inspiration and spiritual growth.
First, some people sit Indian style, stand up, or even lay down when they meditate. In addition to different styles of meditation, there are different reasons, why people meditate. Religion and self inspiration are the two top reasons why people meditate. I meditate for self-inspiration and spiritual growth.
There are 8 types of meditation.
1. Mindfulness
2. Zazen
3. Transcend me
4. Kundalini
5. Qigong
6. Guided visualization
7. Trance
8. Heart Rhythm Meditation
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