Blog Tips: Right Connections
One thing I have learned while blogging is not every person I meet or wants to work with me has been the right connection. I have met people with the right intentions but have a different work ethic than mine.We simply clashed. I have met people who I wanted to work with, but they didn’ t have time for me. They dropped me a nugget or two and moved on with life. I am not mad at these situations because they've developed a sixth sense for me to notice the people who are a good fit for me. My right connection people are those who will check on me from time to time. They offer tips on how to improve my blog. They make time to answer my questions and encourage me. They trust me with tasks that will help their business. They suggest books for me to read for my personal growth. They tell me to, “Come Out That Corner” when I am teaching. I’ve learned my right connection people are not my everyday people. They are the people I talk to on occasions. They are the people who sharpen my skills. It took some time to GET OVER MYSELF in order for me to accept my right connection people. I am glad I did because my life and business have turned around drastically.
Essential Tip:
When connecting with people, look for people who are smarter, wiser, and more creative than yourself. It is just like working out. When you workout with someone stronger than you, it challenges you to become stronger as well.
How To Recognize your Right Connection People
- They push you to grow
- They ruffle your feathers but in a good way
- They tear you down to build you back up
- They correct you with kindness
- They make themselves available to you
- They ask you for help. This is not one sided people
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