FIT FRIDAY: Sean D-Personal Trainer

Hey Family,  

I love Fit Friday's; especially when I get a chance to interview a positive person that is making a huge impact by helping others get healthy.  Personal Trainer,Sean D, is a beacon of light shining brightly giving hope to people who want to lose weight.  He is very passionate about his work and his energy is contagious. You can't be around this guy for long and not feel amp'd up as well!

Let's meet Sean D...

Tell me a little about yourself?
Hi, My name is Sean Dessources and I work for a fortune 500 company out in Atlanta, GA.
I’m also a personal trainer and have a beautiful 2-year-old daughter. I have a passion, not just for fitness, but for
helping people reach their fitness goals.

How long have you been on your Health Journey?
I’ve always been into fitness but about a year and a half ago my co-worker challenged me to a 90 day challenge.
On the challenge, I lost 30 lbs. in 90 days and 9% body fat. I was excited and I’ve been challenging myself ever since
to live a healthier lifestyle.

Why did you become a Personal Trainer?
I’ve always helped others in the gym but when I lost the weight more and more people kept asking to work out with me so I went
and got certified last year. I currently do one on one training, group boot camp and I also have a Kennesaw mountain walking group that
meets every Saturday.

What is your Favorite Exercise to Hate?
I don’t really dislike any exercise, but leg days are always painful.

Do you cheat on your Diet?
I don’t consider the challenge a diet it’s a lifestyle change. I eat healthier and have a shake as well either for breakfast, lunch and always after a workout.
 I love food and always have one “cheat” day a week, typically on the weekends, when I go out to restaurants. Atlanta has great places to eat.

What type of regimen would you suggest for someone starting out?
Depending on their goals and current health condition it varies. I typically meet with people who want to do the challenge and give them a plan.
For someone just starting out, I will say 3 to 4 days which consist of strength training and cardio work.

How do you feel about Body Shaming or the Bullying of Overweight people?
I hate it! That’s why I promote the Project 10 challenge because every time someone looses
10 lbs. on the challenge we donate 90 healthy meals to a child fighting obesity. You don’t know how it feels to know that I personally donated over 500 meals as of today just by losing weight, building muscle, and getting in the best shape of my life. I also met a few kids who have benefited from the Project 10 challenge and seeing the difference it has made in their life is why I’m so passionate that everyone should take the challenge.

Do you offer or suggest any supplemental programs? Why?  What do you love most about this product?
As  tell people, I’ve been a supplement guy since I was 18 but the products Visalus offers on the Project 10 Challenge has transformed my body and I feel better now at 33 than I did at 23. I have more energy and with a 2-year-old it’s needed. Also, Vislaus recently launched an all-natural energy drink so I can give up Redbull (sugar-free) which was one bad habit of mine from time to time.

Do you do boot camps or challenge that my readers can get involved in?
Yes! I’m launching the next series of boot camps in May (dates TBD). I have a Meetup group that meets at Kennesaw mountain every Saturday at 10 am. But my passion, in which I promote, is the Project 10 Challenge with Vislaus.
For more information go to

How Can We Follow You?
All social media sights etc…
Facebook: Sean Dessources
IG: Seand247
Project 10 challenge:

Parting Words of Encouragement:
One of my favorite quotes is from Napoleon Hill, “What the mind can conceive it can achieve." Life is all about making a decision and when I made that decision a year ago to take the challenge, it has changed my life in ways you can’t imagine. So I tell everyone challenge yourself to a healthier lifestyle and help kids who are fighting obesity. Join me for  the Project 10 Challenge! Teamwork makes the DreamWork!


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