Fit Fridays: Squats

With the insanity of 'twerking' last year, we should be pros at doing squats, right? WRONG! Whether it is the vibe at the club, the privacy of your mirror, or the effects of alcohol, it is much easier to drop it low in these settings. Now change the scene to a gym under the constraints of a class or a trainer, and suddenly those knees get weak. Throw some hand weights and/or a kettle ball in the mix and sudden paralysis may occur!

At least, that is how you feel when begin your exercise routine. Wait months between your workouts and go hard if you want to. I bet you won't even want to walk to your own bathroom the next morning. That said, stick with your workout program. A body that is in motion, stays in motion. A body that is at rest, stays at rest. As you engage more into your routines, the latter of the two won't even be an option. To top that using the correct form and technique, can make this much more than a butt exercise (although it does an excellent job at that). The benefits of squats is much larger than that.

- They aid in digestion by easing the flow of fluids in your body. Nothing     like a free, at-home remedy!
- Squats create an anabolic environments that releases a hormone that       improves muscle tissue.
- Strengthen back muscles and can ease chronic back pain.
- Aids with weak knees, literally.
- Improves balance and posture.
- It is also great for the core muscles.
- Increases flexibility.

Check out this video from BEfit


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