PSC Vitamin: The Beauty of You

You are beautiful. Take a second to think about that. Do you have doubts? Did you laugh at that question or shrug your shoulders? Either way, you are beautiful. To date, there is nothing else like you known to man. Yet, you change with every breath you breathe. On a molecular level, you are a non-stop machine. You are a mystery that reveals itself with every step that you take.

On the off chance you are an identical twin, you are still so very different. Your fingerprints record every encounter that you.experience in your mother's womb. The length of the umbilical cord is different. Your position in the womb is different. The number of kicks and punches you made is different. Your neuropathways are different.You are truly one of a kind. Out of seven billion people on the planet Earth, there are none that can truthfully say that they are you. Add that to the billions that came before us.

You are a fine commodity. You are priceless. You are a masterpiece. Now, look at all of the beautiful people in your life. People that you come across everyday. Their existence makes you all the more beautiful. That said, our Father is immensely gifted beyond words. We are a species among millions of others. Life is beautiful. The mere complexity of it and all that it encompasses is incomprehensible. Keep in mind those things that can not be replaced and you will find value in everything that you see and respect for all those things unseen.


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