Courtsey of Sworkit.com |
Today while volunteering at the church, I ended up having a great conversation with one of the ministers. After just having a baby, you couldn't even tell that she had given birth (her son is less than one year and she looks AMAZING!). She mentioned being a little sore from going so hard on her workout and I asked her what she had been doing because clearly it was doing wonders for her. Working full-time, ministering, and raising an infant is already a full plate. I was curious when she was finding the time to actually workout. She told me about this great app that she had been using, SWORKIT. She said it was like having your own personal trainer and that she was able to designate the time she spent working out to fit her schedule. Admittedly, she started slow with just 10 minutes a day. She has now been able to increase it to 30 minutes a day with a goal of moving up to 35 minutes a day. She informed me that the app gave demonstrations of the exercise, allowed for 5 second breaks, and she could either chose or create a workout that fit her needs (the lite free version of the app offers strengthening, cardio, yoga, and stretching). After a few short weeks, she has already shed 3 pounds!

Although I could not see it, she was concerned about her post-baby 'pooch' and finding success with combining healthy eating and working out. Just like the rest of us, she still has cravings. She told me she allows for one treat day of desserts once a week. With her shape (again, amazing!), I would have never thought she was so focused on losing weight. Whether for maintenance or serious weight loss, we all, no matter our size, want to look our very best. From a size 2 to a 22, we all can be self-conscious about our weight. We all have to work for it and you may be surprised who has the best workout tips, encouraging the spirit or a PHATSkinny Chic mentality. Share your story of your weight loss journey with anyone who seems interested. You never know who could be taking notes
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