MCM: My Grandfather C. Lee Carey
My Man Crush Monday is my grandfather, C. Lee Carey. Serving in the Army during WWII, he was injured and honorably discharged before he made it to the frontlines. That said, what he learned in the military shaped every fiber of his being. He had a regimented schedule that began with making his bed so tight that you could literally bounce a quarter off of it. I remember watching him clean his guns; while sharing with me his stories of being in the military. Even how he cooked was influenced by the Army. He would make 'weak tea' which consisted of milk, water, and sugar. My uncle and cousin followed in his footsteps and he would also have the recruiters come to the house in efforts to get me and my cousins to enlist. This became our inside joke because Grandpa knew I wasn't going for it (I am a lover, not a fighter). He exemplified the utmost integrity and found joy in being all that he could be and our entire family was all the better for it. I salute you C. Lee Carey. Your legacy is still very much alive today!
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