Her Name is Janet! Ms. Jackson if You Nasty!
Women Crush Wednesday
Her Name is Janet! Ms. Jackson if You Nasty!
Janet is back with new music and new record breaking tour. She is making history with the fastest selling tour of all times. She is selling out tour dates within minutes. I love powerful women. Janet is an ICON! Her brands transcend generations. Her music is timeless. Pick any Janet album, and I bet you money it will overshadow some of the music being put out today. Good Music is the reason she is selling our tours after being quiet for the last 10 years.
Healthy Life is a Journey
Over the years, we have seen Janet struggle with her weight issues. We have heard discuss her struggle with emotional eating. It serves as reminder living a healthy life is a journey. We all struggle on our journey. Janet reminds us we can make positive changes to our life and maintain the changes. Janet will 50 next year. She looks amazing! Whether you are in teens or late 30's, it is not too late to began moving forward on a healthy lifestyle.
Janet is WCW
Janet is WCW
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