Tech Tuesdays; MyFitnessPal App

MyFitness Pal

MyFitnessPal is our next app for review for Tech Tuesdays. Recommended by my personal nurse from Humana, I am very excited to see what this app has to offer. Due to my multiple health conditions, Humana offers me a free personal nurse who checks in with me around twice a month. Due to my asthma and Fibromyalgia, I explained  to my nurse how hard it is for me to exercise.  Humana's nurse is very aware of my circumstances. I trust her recommendations; however, this app is definitely not as user-friendly as some of my other apps.

User Friendliness

First off, to lose a pound per week I was given a near 1,400 calorie limit. Personally, I find that I have a hard time dramatically reducing my calorie intake without a gradual reduction. Once I entered my goals, I was immediately recommended to purchase their paid app. The price is close to  $50 for the year or around $10 for the month. Whoa! Can I see how the free app works before being pushed towards the paid app!?! After having to back up a couple of pages, I was prompted to enter what meal I had eaten today. It shows me where I can enter my food and exercise logs for the day, but not much other direction. In addition, I can see how many calories were obtained per meal. I can also save recipes, meals, and foods

Jay's profile. She was a member under the old free plan
which offered a lot more features
Once I played around with it, I saw where I could log my exercise, meals, weight, and status. It appears that you can also invite friends to lose weight with you, but that was with the paid version and only boasted to lose 2 times the weight than using the free version. It appears that you can only do the bare minimum with the free version and that you have to upgrade to receive all of the benefits that it has to offer. At such a high price just to see what it has to offer, I think I will shop around a bit. However, different strokes for different folks so take a test drive yourself. You may find that it is a perfect fit!


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