Difficult People...WTF Green-lighted this Show

Hulu’s Difficult People...Smh

I am a true fan of Hulu. They usually have shows that satisfy my viewing pleasure.  When I saw the show title Difficult People, I was more than willing to watch the new show.  Let’s just say the first few minutes in, I was very disappointed.  The show is not funny.  I was watching two people walking around their city criticizing everyone or using twitter to say vulgar things about Blu Ivy.  If I wanted to waste my time watching people be assholes on social media, I can go to the mall for that.  This show has no point or purpose. At least when Seinfeld was on TV, it was funny. If you are going to have a show about nothing. It has to be funny.  The only person I like on this show is Gabby Sidibe.  This was not a good move Hulu.  I forced myself to watch the first two episodes; I regret that. I can never get that time back in my life.  I'm thoroughly convinced I can write a show and get it on Hulu. The show is garbage! Difficult People is a Don’t Even Bother!  

My face the entire time watching
Difficult People

Watch the Difficult People Trailer...


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