Fit Friday: Why Pay Gym Fees?

Let's see...the last time I actually set foot into a gym was in January. I know right! It's not as bad as it seems; it is still the year of the dreamer and I plan to achieve my fitness goals. Sure, prednisone, infections, falls, asthma, and pain set me back a bit...a lot, but I still got this!

Gym Envy

My husband and I belong to this swanky gym with one of those massaging chairs and pressurized water massage machines , (boy do I miss that!), but somebody sure got lazy. For times sake, we will just say my husband. We moved and now the gym is totally out of the way. Nope, no locations near us so we will miss out on the parties each month.

My Initial Idea of Total Home Gym

That said, we decided to turn part of his man cave into a home gym. We meaning he lbvs. I will never for get when he said, "Honey, I made the basement nice and cozy for you." I got excited and thought he made it into my relax room - NOT! There was the exercise bike, my stepper, some yoga mats, and he had the nerve even to pull out the Thigh Master. Even Suzanne Somers was mad about the Damon Thigh Master! He looked so know I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but instead I dug down waaaay deep and found my peace.

Home Gym Heaven

Since that day, we have have slowly added to our gym. We now have an elliptical machine, a cross trainer, free weights, an infinity band, kettle ball, the multi-use bar for pull ups and push ups, tension band, pilates ball, the bigger exercise ball (forgot the proper name for it), and another device for maximizing push ups. In reality, it has taken many years to acquire all of this equipment and a house to put it in. It sure beats paying gym fees and cost less than a year's membership and a trainer. Oftentimes, you can find videos on YouTube to find quick exercise routines that incorporate many of these pieces. It definitely beats going to the gym and gives me privacy. I hate gym locker rooms! So when the urge hits, I just go downstairs to my 24/7 come as you please, man cave/home gym. It gets no better than this!


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